Thursday, December 31, 2009
This marks the end of year 2009. Yup. Gone are the days of heartaches and pain. Gone are the days of trying to find my identity. Gone are the days of old. Gone are the days of me waiting to be served. Gone are the days of taking and not giving.

May these days remain where they are placed in history and never coming back again. 2010 is not a year for defeat and crutches, but for a man who will complete his training, a man who is now able to look after his family, a man who's staunch in his already corrected beliefs.

Taxi driver asked me what's my ambition when I grow up. I cant believe I didn't answer his question as what I want to. I'm still dreaming. I'm still letting God mould my dreams.

Lynn asked me what's my new year resolution. I didnt know what to say.

2010 is not going to drift away from me. I am doing something about it.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Gents of my generation, if you are planning on moving into an apartment with your wife when u both get married, you better start working hard now.. What I mean is, to start bidding for your build-to-order flats now!! It takes 7years for the government to even start building!! So means, it doesn't matter if you have a girlfriend now or not, but if you plan on it, GO START BIDDING!!! :)

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Lord of all
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Only God can do these.

1) My obstacle.
When you go play badminton, and when all of e sudden, I, who dun like to go jogging, was triggered by The Voice to go jog at the stadium halfway thru e game. It was at the stadium when I was conversing with God, when He told me this. "Sit down and you see your obstacle. Stand up, and see past your obstacle. It is a beautiful sight. Remember this. You will need this."

2) Pray, and it will be done.
Prayed: For growth in leadership during camp.
Got: Responsibilities in piping, usher, security, and a whole lot of other odd jobs.
Prayed: For Pris's headache
Got: Gone like it never was there! Thanx to Winnie's good massage too:)
Prayed: For bondage breaking within the family
Got: A discussion on horoscopes immediately after reaching home.

This is why I believe. And I only believe in things that are 100% certain.

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